protocol StringTerminal => S =
StringTerminalGet :: Get( [Char] | S) => S
StringTerminalPut :: Put( [Char] | S) => S
StringTerminalClose :: TopBot => S
coprotocol S => Console =
ConsolePut :: S => Get( [Char] | S)
ConsoleGet :: S => Put( [Char] | S)
ConsoleClose :: S => TopBot
ConsoleStringTerminal :: S => S (*) Neg(StringTerminal)
coprotocol S => MemCell (A | ) =
MemPut :: S => Get(A|S)
MemGet :: S => Put(A|S)
MemCls :: S => TopBot
coprotocol S => ListP( | M) =
ConsP :: S => M (+) S
NilP :: S => M
coprotocol S => Timer =
-- timer in microseconds
Timer :: S => Get(Int | S (*) Put( () | TopBot))
TimerClose :: S => TopBot
fun append :: [A],[A] -> [A] =
[],ts -> ts
s:ss,ts -> s : append(ss,ts)
fun concat :: [[A]] -> [A] =
[] -> []
s:ss -> append(s, concat(ss))
-- | ticket data type.
codata S -> Ticket =
Name :: S -> [Char]
Description :: S -> [Char]
Number :: S -> Int
-- | wrapper for making a ticket
fun mkTicket :: [Char],[Char],Int -> Ticket =
name, description,number -> (Name := -> name, Description := -> description, Number := -> number)
-- | a process for storing a sequential value in its argument,
-- which offers a protocol of 'MemCell' to get,put, and close
-- the memory cell
proc memCell :: A | => MemCell(A | ) =
val | => ch -> hcase ch of
MemPut -> do
get nval on ch
memCell(nval | => ch )
MemGet -> do
put val on ch
memCell(val | => ch )
MemCls -> do
halt ch
data Maybe(A) -> S =
Just :: A -> S
Nothing :: -> S
-- | parses an int
fun pInt :: [Char] -> Maybe(Int) =
[] -> Nothing
str -> go(Just(0), str)
fun charToDigit :: Char -> Maybe(Int) =
'0' -> Just(0)
'1' -> Just(1)
'2' -> Just(2)
'3' -> Just(3)
'4' -> Just(4)
'5' -> Just(5)
'6' -> Just(6)
'7' -> Just(7)
'8' -> Just(8)
'9' -> Just(9)
_ -> Nothing
fun step :: Maybe(Int),Char -> Maybe(Int) =
Nothing, _ -> Nothing
Just(n), c -> case charToDigit(c) of
Just(nn) -> Just(n * 10 + nn)
Nothing -> Nothing
fun go :: Maybe(Int),[Char] -> Maybe(Int) =
Nothing, _ -> Nothing
res, [] -> res
res, s:ss -> go(step(res,s), ss)
-- | time in seconds for the time out of the clients
fun tIMEOUT :: -> Int =
-> 15 * 1000000
fun showInt :: Int -> [Char] =
0 -> ['0']
n -> go(n, [])
-- this does integer division for a,b as input
-- and outputs (q,r) where q is the integer division and r
-- is the remainder.
fun divqr :: Int, Int -> (Int, Int) =
a, b -> if a < b
then (0, a)
else case divqr(a - b, b) of
(q, r) -> (q + 1, r)
fun intToDigit :: Int -> Char =
0 -> '0'
1 -> '1'
2 -> '2'
3 -> '3'
4 -> '4'
5 -> '5'
6 -> '6'
7 -> '7'
8 -> '8'
9 -> '9'
-- in the use cases of this program, this will never happen!
_ -> '#'
fun go :: Int, [Char] -> [Char] =
0, acc -> acc
n, acc -> case divqr(n, 10) of
(q, r) -> go(q, intToDigit(r):acc)
fun showTickets :: [Ticket] -> [Char] =
[] -> ""
(Name := name, Description := description, Number := number ):ss ->
[ "Ticket name: "
, name
, "
, "Description: "
, description
, "
, "Ticket number: "
, showInt(number)
, "
, "
, showTickets(ss)
-- | typical passer type to pass a channel between
-- 2 processes.
coprotocol S => Passer( | M ) =
Passer :: S => M (*) (Neg(M) (+) Get( () | S))
proc clientLeaf :: [Ticket] | Get( () | Passer( | Timer (*) MemCell([Ticket]| ))) => StringTerminal =
curtickets | passer => strterm -> do
hput StringTerminalPut on strterm
put "Type: <:my-tickets>, <:view>, or <:book>." on strterm
hput StringTerminalGet on strterm
get userinp on strterm
case userinp of
":my-tickets" -> do
hput StringTerminalPut on strterm
put "The current tickets you hold are as follows." on strterm
hput StringTerminalPut on strterm
put showTickets(curtickets) on strterm
clientLeaf( curtickets | passer => strterm)
":view" -> do
hput StringTerminalPut on strterm
put "Viewing available tickets...." on strterm
put () on passer
hput Passer on passer
split passer into m, negmandnpasser
split m into timer, mem
hput MemGet on mem
get inp on mem
hput StringTerminalPut on strterm
put showTickets(inp) on strterm
clientLeafLoop( curtickets | timer,mem, negmandnpasser => strterm )
":book" -> do
-- start of duplicated from ":view"
hput StringTerminalPut on strterm
put "Viewing available tickets..." on strterm
put () on passer
hput Passer on passer
split passer into m, negmandnpasser
split m into timer, mem
hput MemGet on mem
get inp on mem
hput StringTerminalPut on strterm
put showTickets(inp) on strterm
-- end of duplicated from ":view"
hput StringTerminalPut on strterm
put "Please enter the ticket number you would like to book (you will timeout if you take too long!)..." on strterm
hput StringTerminalGet on strterm
-- set up the timer
hput Timer on timer
put tIMEOUT on timer
split timer into timer0, timer1
strterm -> do
-- getting the user input
get userinp on strterm
case pInt(userinp) of
Just(userinp) -> case focusTicket(userinp, inp) of
Just( (tkt, tkts) ) -> do
hput MemPut on mem
put tkts on mem
hput StringTerminalPut on strterm
put "Booking succeeded!" on strterm
bookLoop( tkt : curtickets | timer0, timer1, mem, negmandnpasser => strterm)
Nothing -> do
hput StringTerminalPut on strterm
put "Booking failed! Ticket does not exist.. Please book again..." on strterm
bookLoop( curtickets | timer0, timer1, mem, negmandnpasser => strterm)
Nothing -> do
hput StringTerminalPut on strterm
put "Booking failed! You did not input a ticket number.. Please book again..." on strterm
bookLoop( curtickets | timer0, timer1, mem, negmandnpasser => strterm)
timer1 -> do
get () on timer1
close timer1
-- we need to do this plug, so we can return the memory cell
-- before we get user input
z => strterm -> do
get _ on strterm
hput StringTerminalPut on strterm
put "Booking failed! Sorry you timed out! Please try and book again..." on strterm
z |=| strterm
clientLeafLoop(curtickets | timer0,mem,negmandnpasser => z)
_ -> do
hput StringTerminalPut on strterm
put "Sorry, I didn't understand your input." on strterm
clientLeaf( curtickets | passer => strterm)
proc clientLeafLoop
:: [Ticket]
| Timer
, MemCell([Ticket] |)
, Neg (Timer (*) MemCell([Ticket] |)) (+) Get (() | Passer(| Timer (*) MemCell([Ticket] |)))
=> StringTerminal =
curtickets | ntimer,mem,negmandnpasser => strterm -> fork negmandnpasser as
negm -> plug
negm, z => -> negm |=| neg z
ntimer,mem => z -> fork z as
l -> l |=| ntimer
r -> r |=| mem
npasser -> clientLeaf( curtickets | npasser => strterm)
proc bookLoop
:: [Ticket]
| Timer
-- ^ the timer
, Put( () | TopBot)
-- ^ the timer which has been peeled back
, MemCell([Ticket] |)
, Neg (Timer (*) MemCell([Ticket] |)) (+) Get (() | Passer(| Timer (*) MemCell([Ticket] |)))
=> StringTerminal =
curtickets | timer0,timer1,mem,negmandnpasser => strterm -> plug
timer0, timer1 => nntimer -> do
fork nntimer as
nntimer0 with timer0 -> nntimer0 |=| timer0
nntimer1 with timer1 -> do
get _ on timer1
close timer1
halt nntimer1
nntimer => ntimer -> do
split nntimer into nntimer0,nntimer1
close nntimer1
nntimer0 |=| ntimer
ntimer,mem,negmandnpasser => strterm ->
clientLeafLoop(curtickets | ntimer,mem,negmandnpasser => strterm)
fun focusTicket :: Int, [Ticket] -> Maybe( (Ticket, [Ticket]) )=
n, tickets ->
let fun go =
[] -> Nothing
s:ss -> if Number(s) == n
then Just( (s, ss) )
else case go(ss) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just( (t,ts) ) -> Just( (t,s:ts) )
in go(tickets)
-- | a node in the list
proc node :: | Get( () | Passer(| M)) => Get( () | Passer(| M)), Get( () | Passer(| M)) =
| up => lch, rch -> race
lch -> nodeLoop(|up => lch, rch)
rch -> nodeLoop(|up => rch, lch)
proc nodeLoop :: | Get( () | Passer(| M)) => Get( () | Passer(| M)), Get( () | Passer(| M)) =
| up => winner, loser -> do
get _ on winner
put () on up
hput Passer on up
split up into upmem, negupmemandnup
hcase winner of Passer -> fork winner as
winnermem -> upmem |=| winnermem
negmemandnwinner -> do
split negmemandnwinner into negmem,nwinner
fork negupmemandnup as
negupmem -> negupmem |=| negmem
nup -> plug
node( | nup => nwinner, nloser )
nloser => loser -> loser |=| nloser
-- | the root in the multi memory cell. This essentially acts
-- as the central mediator for the leaves.
proc root :: | M => Get( () | Passer(| M)) =
| m => ch -> do
get _ on ch
hcase ch of Passer -> fork ch as
rm -> m |=| rm
negmandnch -> do
split negmandnch into negm,nch
root( | nm => nch )
=> negm, nm -> negm |=| neg nm
-- | The root of the multi memory cell which again acts as the
-- central. Moreover, this allows a console to help spawn additional
-- clients...
proc server
| Console, Timer (*) MemCell( [Ticket] | )
=> Get( () | Passer(| Timer (*) MemCell([Ticket]|))) =
freshtknum | console, m => racedpasser -> do
hput ConsolePut on console
put "Type <:new-client> <:new-ticket <NAME> <DESCRIPTION>> <:view> " on console
hput ConsoleGet on console
serverLoop( freshtknum | console, m => racedpasser)
proc serverLoop
| Put( [Char] | Console)
, Timer (*) MemCell( [Ticket] |)
=> Get( () | Passer(| Timer (*) MemCell([Ticket]|))) =
-- we need to race the console and the memory cell stuff
-- since these inputs should not depend on each other.
freshtknum | console, m => racedpasser -> race
console -> do
get inp on console
case pArgs(inp) of
[":new-client"] -> do
hput ConsolePut on console
put "Spawning new client..." on console
hput ConsoleStringTerminal on console
split console into nconsole, negstrterm
negstrterm, strterm => -> negstrterm |=| neg strterm
node( | up => racedpasser, nleaf)
clientLeaf( [] | nleaf => strterm)
server( freshtknum | nconsole, m => up)
[":new-ticket", name, desc] -> do
split m into timer,mem
hput MemGet on mem
get memtkts on mem
hput MemPut on mem
put mkTicket(name, desc, freshtknum) : memtkts on mem
hput ConsolePut on console
put "Ticket added..." on console
memCellLoop( 1 + freshtknum | console, timer,mem => racedpasser)
-- more or less duplciated from ":new-ticket"
[":view" ] -> do
split m into timer,mem
hput MemGet on mem
get memtkts on mem
hput ConsolePut on console
put "All tickets currently available are as follows..." on console
hput ConsolePut on console
put showTickets(memtkts) on console
memCellLoop( freshtknum | console, timer,mem => racedpasser)
_ -> do
hput ConsolePut on console
put "Invalid input, please try again..." on console
server( freshtknum | console, m => racedpasser)
-- duplicated code from 'root' above.
racedpasser -> do
get _ on racedpasser
hcase racedpasser of Passer -> fork racedpasser as
rm -> m |=| rm
negmandnracedpasser -> do
split negmandnracedpasser into negm,nracedpasser
serverLoop( freshtknum | console,nm => nracedpasser )
=> negm, nm -> negm |=| neg nm
-- | wrapper to help with options that loop with the memory cell
proc memCellLoop ::
| Console
, Timer
, MemCell( [Ticket] |)
=> Get( () | Passer(| Timer (*) MemCell([Ticket]|))) =
freshtknum | console, timer, mem => racedpasser -> plug
mem, timer => nm -> fork nm as
l -> l |=| timer
r -> r |=| mem
server( freshtknum | console, nm => racedpasser)
-- uhh bnfc apparently does not do the offside rule correctly?
where {
fun pArgs :: [Char] -> [[Char]] =
ts -> case skipSpace(ts) of
[] -> []
nt:nts -> case nt of
'"' -> case sliceUntilQuote(nts) of (wrd,nnts) -> wrd : pArgs(nnts)
_ -> case sliceUntilSpace(nt:nts) of (wrd,nnts) -> wrd : pArgs(nnts)
fun isSpace :: Char -> Bool =
' ' -> True
' ' -> True
' -> True
_ -> False
fun skipSpace :: [Char] -> [Char] =
[] -> []
t:ts -> if isSpace(t) then skipSpace(ts) else t:ts
fun sliceUntilSpace :: [Char] -> ([Char], [Char]) =
[] -> ([], [])
t:ts -> if isSpace(t)
then ([], t:ts)
else case sliceUntilSpace(ts) of
(ls, rs) -> (t:ls, rs)
fun sliceUntilQuote :: [Char] -> ([Char], [Char]) =
[] -> ([], [])
'\':'"':ts -> case sliceUntilQuote(ts) of (ls, rs) -> ('\':'"':ls, rs)
t:ts -> if t == '"'
-- we drop the quote
then ([], ts)
else case sliceUntilQuote(ts) of
(ls, rs) -> (t:ls, rs)
-- | time in seconds for the time out of the clients
fun iNIT_FRESH_TICKET_ID :: -> Int =
-> 0
proc run =
| timer, console => strterm -> plug
-- memCell( [mkTicket("Temmie", "A cute white and cream colored pomeranian", 0) ] | => mem )
memCell( [] | => mem )
timer, mem => m -> fork m as
l -> l |=| timer
r -> r |=| mem
server( iNIT_FRESH_TICKET_ID | console, m => tail)
clientLeaf( [] | tail => strterm)